Harnessing the Power of Goal-Directed Actions for Instant Happiness Amid Uncertain Times

Dec 17, 2023

In the midst of uncertainty, where stress and anxiety seem to lurk around every corner, finding a quick and effective way to boost happiness is invaluable. Fortunately, recent research by Wang and Milyavskaya in 2020 offers a scientifically-backed solution that doesn't require the time and patience typically associated with mindfulness practices.

In today's world, filled with stress-inducing current events, a glance at the news is often an instant trigger for anxiety. Perhaps you've found yourself self-medicating or succumbing to the endless scroll of negative information on your phone, resulting in a sense of low energy and diminished control. For those of us who are neurodivergent, the impact can be even more profound, making it challenging to pull back from the overwhelming influence of external stimuli.

About a year ago, during my Masters in Applied Neuroscience, I stumbled upon a research paper by Wang and Milyavskaya (2020) that felt like a revelation. This paper became a cornerstone for my thesis, blending academic rigour with its undeniable application to everyday life.

Titled "Simple Pleasures: How Goal-Aligned Behaviors Relate to State Happiness," the study explores the link between progress toward personal goals and enhanced happiness. While the subjective nature of progress might cloud our perception, the authors found that engaging in goal-directed behaviours triggers an immediate improvement in mood, fostering feelings of competence and control.

Moreover, the study references work by Sheldon and Krieger (2014), indicating that a propensity for working on goals correlates with lower depression and anxiety scores and increased positive affect. This underscores the practical implications of incorporating goal-aligned behaviours into our daily lives.

So, how can we leverage this insight? The three-step process outlined below offers a simple yet effective approach:

Step 1: Choose a goal, whether it's decluttering your space, improving fitness, or embarking on an academic pursuit.


Step 2: Identify small, manageable actions that align with your goal.


Step 3: Start engaging in this action immediately and track your progress.

Implementing this strategy during a recent bout of anxiety, I chose to continue writing for my website, aligning with my goal of launching it by year-end. The conscious decision to focus on this goal led to a noticeable improvement in my mood within minutes.

Consider your own goals and the small, tangible steps you can take toward achieving them. Whether it's cleaning out a drawer or researching potential universities, these incremental actions can make a significant difference in how you feel. Embracing goal-aligned behaviours becomes a powerful tool for navigating the uncertainties of our times, offering a pathway to happiness that is both accessible and rooted in real science.

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